Helping Underprivileged Children Around The World

We Fight for The Right causes

What we do

Reaching & Impacting The Needy

At Save a village, we assist poor communities on the path to a better life by providing them with basic life skills and vital resources to become productive and also provide building blocks to better opportunities. We invite you to Save a village and join our passionate team of change-seekers. We promise you, you’ll fit right in.

Help The Helpless

We provide the required skills and tools they need to achieve financial stability and a chance to a better life and a better community.

Save The Children

We create, lead and invest in a wide range of programs that helps to give children a better opportunity to succeed in life.

Provide Educational Resources

Education opens doors, broadens horizons, and sets kids up for success by providing extra tutoring in Reading, Math, and Science.


We provide vital resources to children and families living in abject poverty around the world

Save a village also helps to provide vital resources to children and families living in abject poverty in Africa. These resources help to improve the living standards of the children, their families, and their community

Time has changed

Latest Campaigns


Providing books and other school resources.

Building Livelihood

Building classrooms and local community centers.


Educate the community about simple hygiene rules to avoid diseases.

Extra Things we do

Assistance in refugee. family integration to the community.

We cater to refugee families with low-income living in the US and also extend our benevolence to African refugees who cannot communicate effectively in English generally, upon arrival to the U.S.


Become a volunteer if you are motivated & ready to support people and the community.


The simplest and quickest way to make a donation, so you can support people in need.


Start donating for our campaigns to support poor people and children returning to school.

Helping Today

Our Goal is to Help Poor People

Today, we supported the education of 20000 children born in poor families cross 12 undeveloped countries over the world . in the future, our goals are

  • Have enough food for life.
  • Poor children can return to school.
  • Support poor people to have better jobs.


Successfull Campaigns

Help the People

Our Popular Causes

Helping Today

We’re Helping People in Need Around the World

  • Healthy Food

    Millions of people have not enough food, so we're working to feed the hungry.

  • Clean Water

    Our goal is to supply clean water to people who can not access to safe water.

Asked Quesitons

We Need Your Help

How to make a donation on your site ?

It is not hard to make a donation right on the site. You only need to choose one of our campaigns that you love, then fill some important information in a form.

Is becoming a volunteer very difficult ?

It is simple to become a volunteer. You look for selected volunteer opportunities on our sites, fill all necessary information in the form and wait until we contact with you.

How can i raise fund for poor people ?

We have many campaigns to support people living in poverty. If you love to raise funds for them, contact us to for more details about the campaigns.

  • Give us your Helping Hand

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Save A Village is a non-profit organization to assist children and the less privileged around the world. 



Save A Village
2733 Franklin Dr,
Apt 1525, Mesquite
TX 75150


With enthusiastic volunteers like you, we are ready to support the less privileged.

Save A Village copyright 2022.